Postdoc-Ass. Antonio Piolanti Ph.D.

Room: B08.2.038e
Lakesidepark Haus B08, Ebene 2

+43 463 2700 1676


Dr Antonio Piolanti is a post-doctoral assistant in the Department of Health Psychology at Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria. Dr. Piolanti’s research focuses on issues related to mental health promotion and violence prevention. He has worked on research projects to improve psychological services in medical settings, such as primary care. In parallel, he has been trying to better understand the effects and implications of sexual violence and gender-based violence. Dr Piolanti has worked on several projects to assess the efficacy of programs to reduce violence in intimate relationships, especially among adolescents.


Research Topics

Intimate Partner Violence

Health Psychology

Psychosocial Support Interventions

Families and Children Affected by War